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Natalie Zed’s Latest News
Current Projects
I am working on a collection of Polyamorous fairytales. Because "happily ever after" can mean a lot of different things, and not all of them are represented right now. We have a Polytales etsy store with some amazing poly valentines/ love cards, and are working towards a Kickstarter launch.
I'm also nearing the end of a draft my first novel, a piece of speculative fiction about a henchwoman. It also involves office politics, infrared photography and a profound misunderstanding of quantum mechanics.
I recently wrote a series of poems using the notes engine in the video game Bloodborne. You can find them on the Tumblr I have dedicated to the project, Fine or Foul. You might also stumble across them while you're wandering through Yharnam, good hunter. I wrote about my process and the experience (and about bow Bloodborne is very very hard) for First Person Scholar.
I also write video games. Most recently, I built a terrible little piece of body horror called A Gift For Mother, using Jim Munroe's engine Texture (still in beta). I also did writing and research for The Oldest Game (a newsgame about sex work),collaborated with Izzie Colpitts-Campbell and Kat Verhoeven on So You've Been Fridged(about women in refrigerators and the narrative vortex), and began a game called Restless about a ghost becoming ever more adept at haunting during the Dames Making Games long-form game program Junicorn.
I am also constantly poking at a series of poems that explore the metallurgical and alchemical properties of aggressive music.
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